Dear self,
Jangan cepat melatah.
Jangan cepat melenting.
Jangan cepat menunding.
Lupakah kau pada satu seruan.
Yang kau selalu canang canangkan.
Lantangnya suaramu (dalam laman sosial) berbicara.
Namun kau sendiri tidak praktikkannya
Bukak kau kembali surah As- Saff ayat 2 & 3 itu.
Tidakkah itu cukup untuk kau berasa gerun atas kesan akibat daripada perbuatan kau?
Lalu kau mahu fikir kau bagus daripada mereka yang lain?
Always. Always. Always.
Always husnuzhon.
Bersangka baik.
Bersangka baik.
No matter who she is
what religion she believe
what type of clothes they choose to wear
No matter what 1st word the say
No matter what last word they say
No matter when
No matter where
No matter what is your emotion that moment.
Always always husnuzhon.
Until you hear by your own ear
Their solid statement.
Never treat her less than a God's creation
Handle it calmly
Handle it peacefully
With no judgement.
With no other thoughts
That you are better than her.
That is not your work.
Just practice the maaruf
With honest.
With honesty that put only Allah in the front
He will do the rest.
Who are you
You dont deserve to judge them
Where they will go
To Jannah or the hell fire.
Sure you want the Jannah?
Prove it.
Sorry for any grammatical or whatever-tical error.
Letter to self.
Sesungguhnya aku banyak salah dan dosa.
May Allah forgives all our sins.
Dear self,
Jangan cepat melatah.
Jangan cepat melenting.
Jangan cepat menunding.
Lupakah kau pada satu seruan.
Yang kau selalu canang canangkan.
Lantangnya suaramu (dalam laman sosial) berbicara.
Namun kau sendiri tidak praktikkannya
Bukak kau kembali surah As- Saff ayat 2 & 3 itu.
Tidakkah itu cukup untuk kau berasa gerun atas kesan akibat daripada perbuatan kau?
Lalu kau mahu fikir kau bagus daripada mereka yang lain?
Always. Always. Always.
Always husnuzhon.
Bersangka baik.
Bersangka baik.
No matter who she is
what religion she believe
what type of clothes they choose to wear
No matter what 1st word the say
No matter what last word they say
No matter when
No matter where
No matter what is your emotion that moment.
Always always husnuzhon.
Until you hear by your own ear
Their solid statement.
Never treat her less than a God's creation
Handle it calmly
Handle it peacefully
With no judgement.
With no other thoughts
That you are better than her.
That is not your work.
Just practice the maaruf
With honest.
With honesty that put only Allah in the front
He will do the rest.
Who are you
You dont deserve to judge them
Where they will go
To Jannah or the hell fire.
Sure you want the Jannah?
Prove it.
Sorry for any grammatical or whatever-tical error.
Letter to self.
Sesungguhnya aku banyak salah dan dosa.
May Allah forgives all our sins.