Happy as long as we can be. MGHS-ians

6:06 PM


Hai everybadii. Last saturday kan, sekolah kita buat Hari koku so called Merdeka Raya.
But i dont see the koku thing tho. I see RAYA! Hohoho
Why is that?
Cuz we get to wear our raya attire lah! Hehehe. All gorgeous girls of Mghs so pretty in their baju raya.

Okay enough the talks. So here's the picthassss


 Me and Aida

 Me and Yayayayanie

 Me and Adu akak Syahirah :P

 Me and Nana

Sorry lah bg combined pics. Lama gila nak tunggu dia upload.
Bbye xx :*

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