Official Music Video Gempak from MTAS #OnlyInMalaysia

2:29 AM


poster amik kat FB page MTAS

MrTheAllShared is satu group youngsters yang aku sangat look up to. They made awesome videos that spread the message of Islam terutama sekali kat Malaysia. Aku ingat lagi, 1st video diorang yang aku tengok is video Kahwin Vs Couple. Masa tu diorang buat video sementara tunggu result SPM, sangat ohsem. Sebab diorang tak biarkan masa menunggu tu berlalu je.
And efforts tu memang tak sia-sia sebab since then, they keep making videos and upload kat youtube and subscribers dorang pun keep growing and kat situ kita dapat tengok yang dakwah mereka dah tersebar luas.

Dah tengok dah video kat atas tu?
Seriously gua cakap sama lu, 
Aku tak tau nak terangkan macam mana, you guys have to see it urselves la.
Best gila. Gempak. Cool. Hebak.

Dengan kerjasama daripada Hamasah As-Syabab , music video Hijab Makes You Beautiful ni ada a few version yang sama cool jugak iaitu Acapella Version and Dance Version.
Do check it out guys. Serius best.

Oh ya! Video Behind The Scene pun ada. Hoho kalau nak tengok scene eksklusif yang takde dalam video offical tu, klik je link tu ok ;)
Nah lirik Hijab Makes You Beautiful ni,

Amacam ? Cool tak cool?

Dah tengok dah. Pastu buat apa? 

Share la! Hehe lets spread the loveee.

Dear girls, Hijab DO make you beautiful.
It doesnt lessen your beauty but enhances it.
People dont think you're pretty?
Mind those people.
God loves you more than they did 

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