Assalamualaikum yo.
There are many people questioned or maybe confused on why should they cover up.
I cover up because my Creator told me to. The dunya is temporary but the hereafter is forever. Having people complementing you about your perfect body shape. The 'coolness' of having coloured hair. The great feeling of how people wants your legs badly cuz you show off them with skinny jeans that sometimes makes you look like you didnt wear any pants at all. It that what you want?
Follow people in dunya. Dunya is temporary. OR follow Allah. That rewards jannah. Jannah's in the hereafter. Hereafter is forever :) Which one you wanna choose?
Do you like it when boys whistle at you. Like you have no dignity. Cuz you've just throw out your MODESTY through the window as if they means nothing!
Allah created us to pray for him. To obey him. And He tests us with variety of ways. Just to know how deep your love to Him. Look how Allah loves you. Look how Allah really care about you. He wants you to use your healthy body to brings benefits to people. Not to show everything off to the entire universe!
Wake up my dear. Wake up. Its never too late. Dont change later. Change now. The man who decides to change on 12th died on 11th.
Change before its too late. Together we spread Allah 's love to the whole world.
I just cant stop typing. It kills me when i see my sisters of islam dressed up disobeying Allah's rule. Salam

There are many people questioned or maybe confused on why should they cover up.
I cover up because my Creator told me to. The dunya is temporary but the hereafter is forever. Having people complementing you about your perfect body shape. The 'coolness' of having coloured hair. The great feeling of how people wants your legs badly cuz you show off them with skinny jeans that sometimes makes you look like you didnt wear any pants at all. It that what you want?
Follow people in dunya. Dunya is temporary. OR follow Allah. That rewards jannah. Jannah's in the hereafter. Hereafter is forever :) Which one you wanna choose?
Do you like it when boys whistle at you. Like you have no dignity. Cuz you've just throw out your MODESTY through the window as if they means nothing!
Allah created us to pray for him. To obey him. And He tests us with variety of ways. Just to know how deep your love to Him. Look how Allah loves you. Look how Allah really care about you. He wants you to use your healthy body to brings benefits to people. Not to show everything off to the entire universe!
Wake up my dear. Wake up. Its never too late. Dont change later. Change now. The man who decides to change on 12th died on 11th.
Change before its too late. Together we spread Allah 's love to the whole world.
I just cant stop typing. It kills me when i see my sisters of islam dressed up disobeying Allah's rule. Salam